Sunday, January 30, 2011

Heather and Nancy

This week is all about Heather and Nancy!! These two ladies were my "trial run" with bible study on the computer. I love them both so much and I am so thankful that God has allowed me to call each of these ladies my friend. I really know it is a God thing that you two were paired up!!! I CAN NOT wait to see what you two have to say about this week.


  1. so, I just spent 40 minutes writing my favorites and sharing a couple thoughts on them, followed by my prayer request and man, I am wishing i had paid closer attn to my little sis (Joy) when she was reminding me that I have to "sign in" to my google acct b4 I can post a comment, 'cause I now learned the hard way, if you try to do it after, you loose it all and have to start I will try again tomorrow...night-night my fellow "NOGS!"

  2. OK, I'm gonna try again...I had so many favorites this week, but I am going to try to keep this short and sweet...In the intro on the bottom of p 34, I had one of those neat moments where you realize God is trying to get your attention! It is the 3rd time I have read/heard the same thing in a short period of time "...there will always be a million nagging tugs on our time and attention, and somewhere in the middle of all the tugging it is essential that we build a fortress wherein only God, His words, and our heart exist together for a time. It rarely happens accidentally." As my pastor said recently, we have to think of it as setting a daily appointment with God and keep it. We wouldn't think of skipping out on other appts, think of that hair appt you've been looking so forward to...but how often do we skip the most important appointment of our day? Another thing my pastor said along these lines of intentional time with God, is how important it is to prepare an atmosphere to purposely spend time with God. We cant just rush through this appointment and check it off on our "to do" list. Trust me, I am preaching to myself here.
    Another fav. was on the bottom of 38. "Goodness should be setting us apart in distinctive ways. Not a goodness that comes from self-righteousness or legalism, but goodness that is the fruit of obedience." When I read this, I not only want this to be true of my life, I also thought of my children and how I would be so proud as they grow up, if I can say this about them.
    Next near the top of 42, love the idea of "praying that God would help keep you to the 'Isaacs' of your life- that you wouldn't be lured to create 'Ishmaels.'" What a great prayer and reminder when we get tempted to pull the reins out of Jesus' hands AGAIN...
    Focusing on all the verses on fear, was really good for me, since fear is something I have battled since becoming a momma. I can be SO ready for a break from my kids, but when the time comes to leave them, I always battle a fearful panicky moment of thinking what if they are not alright while I am gone...which leads me to my PRAYER husband wants me to join him on a business trip in April to Los Angeles for 5 days. Although, part of me thinks woooooohoooooooo, we so need this alone time and a vacation(husband has own business and is a self-proclaimed workaholic, 80hrs/wk)but the other part gets sick with worry at the thought of being away from babies that long, etc. So please pray that God will give me peace about this trip, so that I can enjoy this rare time with the hubby. Especially since part B of the prayer request is for me to remember that my husband is supposed to come before the kids...another thing I struggle with. Thanks for the prayers and I am praying for y'all as well. Y'all keep on "nogging!" (p35 if you are wondering about all my "nog-speak." :)

  3. I am going to post some of my favs as I go throughout the week. I know it is Thursday and you girls always think I am probaby behind....but I am only behind in typing...not in reading lol. The truth is I only have access to internet at Starbucks so i do the study daily, but only log on when I have time to sit at the coffee is not everyday obviously. But I pray for you all daily...seriously...DAILY!!! Amber, the girl Rachel you emailed to us about has been the focus of discussion and prayer at work. It is amazing how even the women I work with you are so called "Christians" learn to pray in crisis. I love the fact that we can be in one accord over a person we haven't even met....she has been on my heart and I believe in miracles and the power of two and three gathered together.

    As I was reading the study this week I kept referring back to page 14 from the first week. To me in defined this study. There was a quote that stated the definition of an idol. I learned that an idol is not necesarily something dark and black and evil. It can be something good. Something honestly good.....with no sin involved, except the fact that WE made it a sin. We chose to put the thing or person before our relationship with Christ. WE choose to please this "idol" and worry about taking care of it. If we trust in God and make Him priority it will be a healthy and remain GOOD. It is up to us how we abuse it. Talk about conviction! That must be why no matter what page I am on in this study that seems to be my personal foundation the last two weeks.
    I hope to post more long as Starbucks is open and my lil one is taken care of ;)
