Monday, February 21, 2011

Good Goodbyes

I hope this week was as eye-opening to you as it was to me! Digging right in....

Day 1 pg. 104 "This next part not only fascinates me but also opens a psychological windows into my own life and how I tend to remember my own times of entangled living. According to their memories how much did they have to pay for all this (v. 5)?

"NO COST!!" This whole day was amazing to me. I wanted to emphasize again the "no cost" answer only because it cost them their whole life and their future generations had they not been delivered. I also had read before where they wanted meat and Manna wasn't enough for them, but had never put the two and two together about how God wanted them to have "not quite enough," He didn't want them to be truly "full." It completely brings new meaning to the scripture in Matthew 4:4 where Jesus says, " It is written; Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God." Because Jesus knew their "history" and knew the Jewish people would relate to that!

Day 2 pg. 105 Why do you think the Lord chose to give them what they craved?
To show them that He is the "ultimate thing."

pg. 106 Describe a time when you finally got what you wanted but it left you lean in the soul.
Definitely can relate to a previous relationship. One of the words to describe lean/leanness from ( I found, was "spare." That is exactly how I felt full and spare. When reading how much the Israelites whined and complained I just want to be like, HELLO people but I'm sure God says that about me sometimes!

Day 3 pg. 108 Your take question

I think God wanted them to explore it first because He knew they would see obstacles first. This way once again proving that it was Him gave it to them.

pg. 109 Give an example of your promise/giant.

In my career it is a constant battle for me to stay current on information. I'm so busy at work that there isn't much time for anything else much less studying!! My career is a promise that God has given me and my giant is TIME. I want to be the Joshua and the Caleb, AMEN!!

DAY 4 and 5 were some of my favorite by far. I'm going to interject my thoughts and randomly throw in the questions so read carefully, haha.

Day 4 pg. 110 I could so relate to Alli's story on this page. I've moved several times in my life due to my dad being a minister and my husband's job. I admit I've been a "junkie" too.
pg. 111 Why do you think he walked away sad?
I really think the man had good intentions. I have read the scripture before and noticed it said that Jesus looked at him and loved him!! I even had it underlined. Knowing that God looks at us and loves us even when we are being ridiculously selfish!!! Knowing that "there's something you lack." This is love at its finest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Verses 29-30 as she points out tells us that are reward will be 100 times greater. Talk about an investment.
I just have to put this here, "When the Lord tells us to part with our idols-or offer them up to Him- He is looking at us and loving us. He sees that our idols are in the way. He also knows that He has the power to turn whatever we parted with into a hundred fold in this lifetime."

 pg. 114 BUT I am finally at a place where I understand the beauty of getting rid of the things that simply take up space.

What's your prayer?
Uncover the hidden things!! Clean "my house."

Day 5 pg. 116 Really no question here just wanted to point out again..." One thing that has greatly helping me through the "laying down" process is understanding the difference between letting something go and making it an offering." IS that not powerful!!!!!  I know not all of you have children but as soon as I read the story again about Abraham and Isaac I could not help but think of this paragraph from an article I read over a year ago. I even cut this part out and have it in my planner.

I might have shared it with some of you already, it was written by Max Lucado. "Note to all panicking parents: Jesus hears the concern in parent's hearts. We tend to regard our children as ours, as though we have a final say in their welfare. We don't. All people are God's people, including the small people who sit at our tables. Wise are the parents who regularly give their children back to God."
This really spoke to me again after reading today's "good goodbye." And it doesn't have to be just about children it could be our spouse, job, anything that can be the good idols that need to be made an offering and not a sacrifice!

love you all. I'm blessed by your weekly testimonies of God's grace in your life.


  1. Day 1 pg 104:

    "Nothing" but in reality the cost was huge! The "free" fish, cucumbers, leaks, onions and garlic were being given to them because they were slaves- you've got to feed your slaves if you want them to work! I read somewhere once that memories are so malleable- meaning they are flexible and can be easily molded and changed and I think that is so true. It's SO easy to forget how bad things were in the past when new tough circumstances arise- not only for the Isrealites but in my life.

    Day 2 pg 105
    To teach them a lesson that what you think you want doesn't always satisfy.

    pg 106
    When I finally got to be a nurse after working so hard through school and thinking if I can just graduate, make some money, and be a "real nurse" then I will have made it. But when I did get there reality hit and I was disillusioned by the way things really were.

    Day 3 pg 108
    Maybe to give them a preview of how special it was and make them desire to be there. Also to let them see the dangers so they would have to walk by faith.

    Pg 109
    For some reason I struggled with an answer to this one. I want to wait to have kids until I'm able to work less and spend more time at home with them. I hardly have the energy to take care om myself and my husband as it is now with work. I've prayed many times that the desires of my heart will be His will and be His desires for me, so maybe the promise is a family and the walls are finances and insurance issues. My prayer is for patience and faith to believe it will work out to His will.

    Day 4 pg 111

    Because he wanted to get to heaven but he wasn't willing to get rid of his stuff. He probably was genuine in his desire, but was too attached to the things that he felt made him who he was here on earth.

    What's your prayer?
    Sometimes it's not physical stuff we hold onto but a part of our lifestyle or personality. When I was in college I was a little wild, known as a fun girl- I was one of the guys. I was kind of tough and rebellious acting. I had fun but I was not where I needed to be with God and the example I was setting wasn't good. My life has changed so much and I'm glad but for some reason this week I thought what happened to that girl? and I almost miss her for a moment.

    My prayer is that I can fully let go of the person I was that I won't doubt the person that I am now. That I can remember that I am on the path that He wants me on and that He will continue to mold me into the person He wants me to be.

  2. DAY 1: this is another great example of how this study helps me get a new perspective on scripture and how relevant it is! isn't it funny how time changes a memory and distorts reality. and then of course satan loves to put his twist on it as well and make you remember times you weren't in God's will differently than it actually was. So good to keep this in mind and not allow satan to do this.

    DAY 2: God gave them what they craved to show them it was not the "cure" they thought it was.

    PAGE 106: My 1st year teaching I did not have my own classroom. Because the school had so many students who needed extra attention, I was given the opportunity to work with small groups of students in other teachers' classrooms. But, this did not satisfy my "since I was a little girl" desire of having my very own classroom. The next year when I was given my own classroom, (after much pushing my request on the principal to get my own) I realized the previous position was more my calling...but it was too late, the principal did not agree and I was never given that opportunity again. I got what I thought I wanted and it left me "lean in soul."

    DAY 3: Maybe it was kind of like the psychology I use on my kids. If they think it is their idea, they are more apt to be excited about if the Israelites explored it and fell in love with the land, they might want to be there rather than be rebellious if they were told to go there but did not want to...

    PG 109: My promise from God is that if I strive to be a Proverbs 31 woman, "my husband and children will call me blessed and praise me!" My wall is living up to the standard she set...but I am working on it daily!

    DAY 4 PG 111: I think he was sad because he didn't like Jesus' answer. I feel he sincerely wanted to follow Christ, but I felt he walked away thinking, "anything but that. I just can't give up my wealth!"

    pg 114: My prayer
    Lord, You know my heart. You know the issues. You know where I lack faith. The things that I pray about but somehow lack the faith to believe that even you can change. Father God forgive me for this and deepen my faith by reminding me of your promise that "the things that are impossible with man are POSSIBLE with You God!" In Jesus' name, Amen!!

  3. Day 1- I couldn’t believe that they remembered the free food but forgot the loss of life, the labor, the agony. I could not relate to the “false memories” because many of the things that I thought were good at the time, I now look back on with regret (ex: college life).

    Day 2- p. 105: As punishment, to show them what it means to have too much of a good thing.
    p. 106: This answer is similar to one from a previous week. I had a great husband, perfect job, ideal weight, lots of friends, but still not happy.

    Day 3- p. 108: So they would see the obstacles and know they could not take the land on their own, they would have to rely on God.
    p. 109: Promises stated in John—abundant life, fullness of joy (sorry if that sounds like a “churchy” answer). My giant is unbelief—I’m like that father in Mark that asks Jesus to “help my unbelief,” only I have to keep asking over and over and over.

    Day 4- Oohh, Alli’s remark “I find that when I dwell on a memory or a tradition in an unhealthy dose, it occupies every part of my brain that could otherwise be taking in my surroundings and what God may be trying to reveal in me”—that is ME! “Living in the moment is much fuller way to live”—that is what I desire.
    p. 114: He could not part with his stuff. I think he was sad from a conflicted and convicted spirit.
    My prayer: Jesus, please de-clutter my brain. I am so glad you look at me and love me, despite all my excess baggage!

    Day 5- Amber, loved the Max Lucado quote! I too think of my children as “mine.” It’s very hard to offer them up to His will, His plan because you want them to always be safe, healthy, and happy.
