Friday, March 18, 2011

Walking in obedience towards our future

This is the first time I have been able to sit in front of the computer all week!! It is late Friday night, way past my usual post time.

This past week I have been thanking God for his prompting regarding obedience. I hope this study has given you the ability to make some life changes. Every bible study I have completed I have certain things that sink down deep into my spirit. I've been able to draw from them in those "thirsty" times. My prayer is that this journey has brought you closer to the, well as Kelly puts it, the only God, with a capital G.

Our last week....

Through the introduction I found God prompting me to search my heart and find the ties that might be hidden those places that haven't been brought out yet during our last 7 weeks course of study. What a powerful testimony that she shared.

Day 1 pg. 168 Has another person's anger ever made you afraid to stand on your convictions??

It just makes me not want to budge...I'm so stubborn :)

pg. 169 Personal reflection

No other Gods...I just love the reference in scripture here to the study. :) This verse encourages me to just stay consistent in Him!! I love the Chris Tomlin's song, "Our God is greater." I'm sure most of you know it but there is a line that says, "God you are higher than any other." I sing this song... and I mean blaring me and the kiddos all the time in the car. That truly has become my prayer, God be higher in my life. More than anything else.

Day 2 pg. 172 Your "new thing"

There are actually two things both which will be tested by my (hopefully no longer) idol of time or lack thereof. I know God is calling me to create new friendships with some specific people and organizations.

Day 3 pg. 175 Personal reflection

Yes, I want true obedience and willingness. I love how she puts emphasis that even the promised land would require a fight. Do we want to go??? We have to eat the "milk and honey" before the manna fades away. How powerful.

Day 4. pg. 178 Fill in the blank to the last line in Chapter 1.

Barley harvest was beginning. I wanted to just remind you of God's provision. He works it all out for our good.

Day 5 pg. 179 Personal reflection

I have so many of these! Growing up in a minister's home it was always God's providence moving in my family. I am so blessed to have parents that would point this out to me as a young child. I know that every step of mine has been ordered and I can honestly see all things as God's providence. Most recently this includes our most recent move. We know that God has brought us here to our new home.

I was so excited that the last 2 days were about Ruth. It was a nice remeinder of a previous bible study (Kelly Minter's second one actually). when we started Ruth I got a new Bible and because we studied the whole book for eight weeks my Bible frequently falls open to it. To me it was almost a "full circle moment." Reminding me to make the decision to go! Go into the new place where God is calling me, allowing Him to lead, and filling the space that I've now cleared getting rid of the little gods and filling it with THE GOD!!!

We're finished!! Meditate on His words to you over the past 8 weeks. It really is life.
I love you. Amber


  1. I'm sad to see this study end...but I have gained much from it! Thanks Amber for leading us!

    Loved on pg 166: "Many people have made room for God in stunning measures, stood back, and watched him overflow the space. YOU OR I CAN NOT BE THE EXCEPTION." Amen to that and words to live by and be inspired by in the coming weeks as we continue to apply this study to our life!

    pg 168: I haven't been faced with anger when sharing my convictions, but I have been faced with someone who made me feel ignorant. I have a friend who is agnostic. Unfortunatly the last time I saw her, she had spent more time studying why she thinks God does not exist than I had spent studying why I believe He does. She lives out of state so I have only seen her once in many years and that was several years ago. I have studied the Bible more in the last 3 years than I did in the previous 33 years of my life. So it is my prayer, that the next time God gives me a chance to share with this friend, I will have more confidence from the time I have spent in the word, since our last talk.

    p. 169 A song came to my mind too, it has kind of been my theme song throughout this study: You are Jehovah by Eddie James..."There is no other, no other God like You! Your name be praised!"

    No other god can be depended on to get us through and out of the "fires" that come our way in life. All other gods are a waste of time!
    I thank God for the way He has started boldy pointing out to me when I am wasting time. It is an answer to prayer through this study!

    DAY 2 PG 172. My new thing: I want to take my cluttered bonus room and turn it into a prayer room. I want to be like Jesus and "get up early and go UP to pray." I want to recommit to a stronger prayer life, have a daily appointment with God, that is NEVER postponed or cancelled! Not a slip it in here and there when I get the chance, like I've been doing.

    DAY 3: YES Lord! I am open to change and want change so that you have room to do amazing things in my life! I am believing for it and cant wait to see what He has planned! I love how Kelly said on 174: "as we release our idols from the clutches of our hearts, I believe the Lord cheers, saying,'Now I can do amazing things. I'm ready to take you to the other side.' The question is do we want to go?"
    YES WE DO!!!!!!!!

    DAY 4: Yay, the harvest is about to begin in our lives! Love at the bottom of p178: "Know that whatever you are being called to leave in your heart, the NEW will SOON be springing up! MAKE ROOM!!!" And what a great time of year for us to meditate on that...God is reminding us with each little plant and flower that is springing up outside!! Let His creation inspire you and give you hope of what He is about to spring up in you and me if we will just give Him room. Now if I can just do knew I was preaching to me, right? ha,ha!

    DAY 5: Of the 9 counties I applied for a teaching job in, and of the 10 schools within the county where I got the job, I "happened" to be placed where my future husband's family made up the entire PTO between his aunt and cousins...then of all the teacher's and para-pro's out sick that particular day, Jason's cousin "happened" to sub in the classroom with me, and she had the sudden thought that I had to meet Jason. She even described it as a "divine thought." She had never set up another couple before and hasn't since...Thank you Lord for Your providence. I know none of this just "happened" by chance.

    To all the ladies who have not done Kelly's study of Ruth, I can not encourage you enough to do that next. You will love it! I feel strongly that it will give you the inspiration you need to continue on this path to the one and only GOD!

  2. Day 1 Pg 168
    I can't really think of a time that exactly applies to this either. I do work with some people that try to make me feel dumb though. We aren't required to work on Sundays- just 4 w/e shifts per schedule- but when they want me to they'll say "Joy, do you have BIG plans this w/e, going to church?" Like it's a pathetic reason to not come help at work. I just have to tell them I need it to get through my week and keep being nice to them :)

    Page 169
    It's a reminder of how powerful God is and how useless everything else is.

    Page 172
    This is a distant and far away dream- but months ago I had an idea pop into my head to get licensed in massage and do medical massage for cancer patients, hospice pts, people with chronic pain etc. This idea was immediately accompanied by a name for the business, a logo, a location, everything. I was sure it came from God. But as time passed I got discouarged and unsure. The school is very expensive and my husband was out of wok at the time, it might fail with such a bad economy, it would be a scary change, it wouldn't be something respected in my current field, the potential for financial loss when all I want to do is save every penny so I can have some babies! These are all things that test my faith in this plan that I thought was from Him. I would love to say hello to this but it makes me feel very unsure!

    Day 3
    I'm ready for Him to do amazing things. I have been giving a lot of thought lately to my future "plans" that I think would make everything "perfect" and how much better His plans for me may be if I can let go!

    Day 4
    The barley harvest was beginning! Just a reminder that He places us in the right place at the right time so that we can reap His blessings!

    Day 5
    I have a neighbor who is not saved, but we frequently have long friendly conversations in the driveway. Her mom has alzheimers and is in a nursing home. Her struggle with this has been growing and I had been meaning to share with her a christian devotional book for people in this exact situation but the timng wouldn't seem right or I would forget. Recently we were outside talking and she was telling me how things were really coming to a head with her Mom and what a hard time she was having. She was at the end of her rope. At that moment I remembered the book and ran to get it. When I handed her the book she burst into tears and threw her arms around me. I think it was God's perfect timing b/c that was the moment that she was desperate enough to be receptive to it. I'm hoping that this was a step in changing her life!

    I have enjoyed this study so much and am sad it's over! Thank y'all for including "baby sister" :)

  3. Nancy, oh I love the idea of your prayer room! I'll come help you get it unclutter :)
    Joy, the idea of massage is wonderful! I use to do hem/onc in Savannah AND insurance will pay for it :) just in case you wanted to know! Also... you could set it up as a not for profit and people could donate to it. :) Of course, you could make some extra money as the CEO and get government grants that way.......Keep dreaming!!!!

  4. thanks Amber!! To be fair, maybe I should show you how bad it is before you commit...actually it is so bad I'd be embarrassed for you to see it! ha,ha! It's one of those big projects that you feel like you need a big block of time to work on, but with little ones, well you I just need to work a little each day. Some progress is better than none. OK I am feeling motivated, I will start today!!

  5. WOW! Actually Amber- that is exactly what I needed to know (about insurance)!!! I just wasn't sure how to find out. I figure in this economy it would be the only way I could make it- that's awesome!!
