Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Week 7. The Road Ahead

So this week I am super late!!! :) But, I  have a wonderful excuse...we were on vacation in the Dominican!! It was beautiful and much needed. When I picked up my bible study book sand fell out of it this morning and I just smiled. Yep, you guessed it, I was able to do my bible study sitting on the beach.

I was encouraged in the introduction on pg. 145 " God is working out your faith. He's moving in ways you can't even dream of. He's got a comeback (though He's never truly b ehind). So do whatever it takes. Just don't leave. Hang in there, you. Upsets are especially thrilling."

Day 1 pg. 148 Can you think of a time when God asked you to turn from something but wasn't as specific as to what He wanted you to move toward?

This is a great question....and I really didn't have an answer :) but I interested in hearing yours.

Day 2 pg. 151 Write about an area of your life where you have trouble believing this.

Mine remains that I hold on to what I think I can accomplish
"by myself." Although I know that it is God who gives me the strength to accomplish it all. "God deals with our idols when He deals with our hearts!"

Day 3 pg. 153 Just interested to hear your response on "Why do you think Paul didn't tell us what his thorn in the flesh was?

I thought, maybe so we could imagine our own there and not focus on his.
(The discipline paragraph, the 2nd on the page was kicking my tail!)

pg. 155 What's your particular weakness that God's strength could be made perfect in?

Mine is the daily discipline routine. I just want to get things done and then trying to get it all accomplished is sometimes overwhelming!!!

Day 4 pg. 156

Do you obey God while not relating to Him? Have you surrendered to Him whle not trusting Him? Do you feel especially intimate with Him? Briefly describe where you're at?

I am at an intimacy part. I long for more of Him. I hunger for His word and His voice. Now if I could give up my conrol freak and allow myself to be disciplined...... haha

pg. 158 Regarding trust what speaks to you most deeply (Psalm 121)

The one who keeps me does not slumber :) So peaceful to know.

Day 5 pg, 159 Find a passage that ministers to you....share

On the way home from vacation I was so tired but couldn't sleep on the plane we had about 3 1/2 hr plane ride and I had my bible so, I read through all the minor prophets. I just couldn't stop. The one thing that stuck out to me was in Haggai 1:5 and 1:7 ESV translation states, "Consider your ways..." in the NIV it says "Give careful thought to your ways..." This really stuck out to me and I've been meditating on it for several days now!!!

this next week is our last week, can you believe it!!!! love y'all


  1. Glad y'all could take such a grea trip! I'm sure it was well desereved!!

    Day 1 pg 148: The most recent thing that comes to mind is last year when I had decided to leave the Med/onc floor because I was just so frustrated and miserable every day for so long. I thought to myself I'm going to do home health for a while- something easy, where the patients aren't so sick and the hours are flexible. I applied and interviewed a number of places, some seemed perfect then fell apart as time went on, some seemed awful, some pursued me but just gave me a bad feeling. It was like God put a stop to what I had decided I needed to do. He left me in Med Onc for a while feeling very hopeless, then led the way- by NO doing of my own, to ICU (which if you read my posts you probably think I hate that too, and sometimes I do :) But in the end He made me push myself further instead of taking the easy was out and hopefully it will lead me to bigger and better things.

    Day 2 pg 151
    Trying to hold onto the truth that my identity is in God and not just how I do my job, what kind of wife I am, how mt house looks etc.

    Day 3 pg 153
    Maybe because we all have one and they are all different and he wanted us to be able to identify with him.

    I liked "God shows up in our reality" on pg 152, not in our fantasy world where we get everything perfect and fixed up the way we want it.

    pg 155
    I am very emotional, whether I am mad, sad, hurt, disappointed- the tears aren't far from the surface. Although I have gotten better about this (I think the bad r'ship that I mentioned another week toughened me up a lot- I just ran out of tears with him) But in a way I think in a way it's a good thing- not crying but easily showing how I feel and that I care- especially with patients and families, it means a lot to them to know that someone understands and cares. I pray that God will use this weakness for good and that my pride will not cause me to harden myself and give me strength so that I don't feel so emotionally drained from other peoples problems.

    Day 4 pg 156: I think the fact that I still stress and worry too much shows that I don't fully trust Him like I should. I feel like we have become more intimate lately but want to make sure I keep it up and don't get lazy!

    pg 158: v 3 "He WILL NOT LET YOU stumble and fall, tha one who wathces you will not sleep."
    I've always felt like yes, God plans thing out for your good and he is in control, but He also gave me free will and I still might screw it up-but this says he won't let me!

    pg 159: Psalm 46 "God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in times of trouble. So we will not fear, though the earth quakes and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea."

    I've always loved this- no matter what happens, no matter what the world comes to- He'll be there to help us!

  2. Sand in your bible study it! So glad you had a great time!

    DAY 1 P.148 Right around my 23rd b-day God asked me to tell my boyfriend, in a jewelry store, who was about to buy me a beautiful engagement ring, that I was not ready to get married. A month later he broke up with me, over his hurt that I was not ready to marry him. I was devastated! I laugh as I type this, but at the time I actually thought, what have I done? I am 23 (as if that was old) and I have to start all over after investing 2 1/2 yrs of my life in him. At the time, I was in agony. My ex-boyfriend wrote me a letter and as I read it I thought it was just an apology for hurting me in the break up. Long story short, 3 years later, I married the man God intended for me. The young man who had wanted to marry me, passed away in 2006. It was not God's will for me to be a widow in my early 30's which I would have been if I had not listend to Him. Also, God protected me as I read the "apology letter." I re-read that letter before tossing it out, just before my wedding...he was actually asking me to get back together...I know the Holy Spirit made me skim that letter in such a way to not realize that at the time. Thank you Lord for directing my steps, even when I dont realize it!

    DAY 2 PG 151 For me this day was all about my relationship with my kids. Pg 149, put me on this train of thought. The part where she only obeyed her teacher because she was scared, the rules only effected her behavior, they did not change her heart. This got me praying...Lord, please help me as raise my children. Help me as I discipline them to make a heart connection, that not only effects their behavior, but changes their heart. That makes them want to obey in order to not only please me and their Dad, but also to please You Lord! And to bring it back to the question, help me to be as patient with them on the inside, as I try to portray (and many times fail even on the outside) on the outside.

    DAY 3: pg 153: I put that Paul didn't share his thorn due to shame, but I prefer Amber and Joy's insight about allowing us to think of our thorns rather than being distracted by his.

    pg 155: God's going to reveal His power and grace by strengthening me in my diligence to be the best wife, mother, and homemaker I can be. As my home becomes more peaceful and orderly I will give Him the glory! Also, as he enables me to be bolder in sharing Jesus with my friend that I mentioned last week.

    DAY 4: I am at a place where I am headed back to the intimacy I had when I was mother to just one. Since my son was born, I have failed to make as much time with God as I had when I just had one child. But, through this study, I am getting back on track!

    pg158: This Psalm comforts me, encourages me, and puts life in perspective. If I will just look to Him, He will help me. So simple, why do I complicate it? The maker of Heaven and earth cares for us day and night, 24/7...WOW!

    DAY 5:
    Psalm 121:1
    I lift up my eyes to the hills-where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

    Once again WOW! He who was able to create heaven and earth, takes the time to help me, even with the trivial things and if I will just surrender and trust Him, the big stuff too! Thank you Lord!
