Sunday, January 23, 2011


I wanted to pair everyone up for several reasons. I thought it would give a good way for everyone to be accountable, encourage, and get to know one another. My little helper, John Rhett, drew the names for me, completely random. Introduce yourselves, pray for one another, email/facebook, make sure each other is staying on track.... whatever you feel led to do. I believe God has linked you up!

Week 1 - Lacy and Joy
Week 2- Heather and Nancy
Week 3- Julie and Claire
Week 4 - Jenn and Kelli
Week 5 - Arlissa and Holly
Week 6 - Andrea and Tracy
Week 7 - Amanda and Amy

My little helper
I put a week next to everyone's name because for that week I want us to specifically pray for you!! Put your named/unnamed prayer requests up. There will be a special section for them.


  1. Hey Amber! I recieved my workbook today! Yay!! I have some catching up to do, but that won't be a problem. I wanted to include my email address for my partner as well.

    Claire: email me at jwilliamsjsu@gmail! I look forward to our accountability...yikes!

  2. Hi Nancy :) Is your email the same as this summer? I am so excited we are partners!! My email is the

  3. I was so excited too Heather! At first I thought, maybe Amber changed her mind about drawing names and matched us up, then I saw the picture of J.R. and I thought, maybe God annointed his little hands :)yes, my e-mail is the same:

  4. Joy: I cant wait to get to know you better and be accountable to you!
    Email me at:

  5. Thanks Lacy! I'm looking forward to it too!
    My email is

  6. Hey Amanda! I'm a little behind..I, too, like someone else's post, have had the WORST week of my life. God is obviously up to something, I just haven't completely figured it out. Email me at:
