Sunday, January 23, 2011


The first week is done! Wasn't it amazing!! I actually did it twice. I was going to try to stay ahead of you all but just couldn't. I decided to soak it all up with you. If the rest of the study is any indication of the next 7 weeks, I can not wait to see how we all change, let go of our false gods, and MAKE ROOM FOR HIM.

Please try to complete the questions/answers by Tuesday night, if possible. Then we can all respond to one another throughout the week. At least comment on your accountability partners comments and others too if you want. I can't wait to hear your responses. I know this is all on the internet so be as transparent as possible while also being confidential. :)

Day 1 - Question 1, pg. 13-What new thoughts does this definition bring to your understanding of a false god or idol?
How easily they can become part of our everyday life and get in our way!

Question 2 , pg. 15 - Can you think of anything in your life that is inherently good and right, but that has become detrimental simply because you desire it too much?
Wow, this one was really hard because I had to take a step back and think about my life! And just about everything fit the, church, career, time, my love of control :)

Question 3, pg. 16 Do you think it is significant that the very first commandment God gave us is to have no other gods before Him? 
Yes,  He know because of our human nature and sinful hearts that our inclination would be to allow other things take His place and serve them. 

Day 2- Name one of your "personal pharaohs" and your prayer for that particular pharaoh.
My love of control...I could totally relate to Kelly when she said, "the more I was trying to control, it was controlling kept me self-centered!" (ouch) Prayer: Allow me to see where I try to take control. Convict my heart, prompt my spirit, You take control over every situation! 

Day 3 Question 1 - Are you still relying on yourself to conquer your personal pharaoh?
I love where she states she remembers the time she's uttered the words, "I can't do this or I have no idea what to do." And that is "exactly where God wants us, in order to show Himself strong on our behalf." I've said the same thing probably thousands of times!! I feel sometimes that it is a cycle we all can get in...I can get in. Where I say okay God here you go, take it. Then I'm like okay well I take back this little part and then before you know it, I've taken more back and more back until I'm the one "back in control." (believe me, I know I'm really not).

Day 4-  Question 1, pg 23 With this verse in mind (1 Cor. 10:31) list your skills, talents, resources, and areas of expertise below. *Just explain one of them and how they can be used for the glory of God.
Encouraging relationships. I am not claiming to be an expert in this area, but I do know that God has called me to be an encourager in relationships. This was just a reminder for me to refocus those  people that God has placed in my path to encourage and do more!!

Day 5 Question 1 pg. 27 Go back to the verse that struck you as most profound...give an example that best reflects that concept.
This by far was my favorite day!!! Whew, God was kicking my tail here, ladies!!! Talk about Making Room!! Love, love, love it. Ok, so my reflection...."as I think of being transformed into His likeness..." It was the second semester of my freshman year at Lee University, on my face, bible open, tears pouring and (Jenn you'll remember this) the song, "Pour my love on you" by Phillips, Craig, and Dean and "Do they see Jesus in me?" by Joy williams. Some of the lyrics of both songs..."Is there a way to show the passion in my heart? Can I express how truly great I  think you are? My dearest friend, Lord, this is my desire, to pour my love on you?" (other song) "Do they see Jesus in me? Do they recognize your face? Do I communicate your love and your grace?" God was changing me, changing my heart, and getting me ready for transitions in my life that has prepared me for THIS time. I am so thankful He cares that much!!!


  1. DAY 1, Q1: It made me look at my life differently. The definition put in perspective how many things are gods in my life that I never thought of that way before. Helped me see that I have a lot more work to do in this area than I even realized...

    Q2: Organizing my home. Yes, getting my home organized, is definitly good and right, and our God is a God of order and wants my home to be a peaceful, organized place for my family, and if you dropped in on me unexpectdly you would probably say, yes, Nancy you need to work on this :), but I am obsessed with it, it hangs over my head, making me feel like I cant make time for fun, for all that I need to get done...thoughts of what I "should be doing" around the house are crowding my mind even now as I am trying to have my bible study time and as I pray each day...I try to remind myself, it I will give Him my first fruits, He will help me get the rest done...

    Q3: Yes, I think He was definitly trying to get our attention, by making that the 1st commandment and helping us realize what I was keep trying to put in place as I mentioned above, if I will put Him 1st, everything else will fall into place.

    DAY 2: PHARAOH: ORGANIZING THE CLUTTER IN MY HOME, Lord, please remind me that my time with you is my #1 priority. Help me to remember that I am staying home with my kids to spend time with them, not to be their housekeeper. Please guide me to use the time You have given me wisely and to seek your will for each day of my life! So that I can create a home that's atmosphere is ALL about YOU God!!

    DAY 3: Yep, guilty as charged! So grateful our God is so faithful and patient with me. He must get tired of this game of tug-of-war I keep it to Him, then taking it back. But this study is a step in the right direction...right ladies?!?

    DAY 4: I was a kindergarten teacher before staying home with my kids. Recently I have realized that I had more patience with other peoples 5 yr olds than I sometimes have with my 5 yr old daughter. This is very convicting. I can glorify God, by thinking back on the fruits of the spirit I demonstrated in my classroom and put those into my everyday interaction with Ansley.

    DAY 5: "we become like what we worship" was the most profound to me...made me think of how at family gatherings, I use to torture my family (my sis., Joy could tell u stories)by trying to play the old hymns my grandma loved and she would sing along about an octave or 2 higher than I played :) and one of her favorites was "Just a Closer Walk with Thee"...and it just makes me think of what better way to be transformed into His likeness than to have a closer walk or friendship with Him and to ultimatly become like what we worship! So that when my time is up and I am transformed into His likeness, there will be as little as possible that needs to be changed to be in His likeness (did that make sense)...lofty goal, but hopefully I have got a while to work on it!! Sorry I am so long winded girls...I think I am the reason Amber had to create a blog ;) Can't wait to read y'alls thoughts and learn from each of you!!

  2. Day 1 Q 1:
    It expands the word idol and makes it seem more real and pertinent to modern times and the "western world". Less Buddha and MUCH closer to home.

    I have a strong desire to be a good nurse and do everything I can for my patients, this often results in me going over and over what happened in my work day and obsessing over what I could have done better. It causes me anxiety about going to work and makes me dread going for fear of what may happen that I may not handle as well as someone else would have. I know that God led me to be a nurse and I feel like it's a ministry of sorts but it consumes too much of me. I also spend a lot of time scheming in my head about how I can work it out to get our financial/insurance situation to a place where I can have babies and just work part time. I know this would be a good thing, but I spend so much time worrying about whether I will be able to make it happen before we're "over the hill".

    Yes, I think it's 1st for emphasis and to show it's importance. Also because the rest of the commandments can sort of fall under this as a heading.

    Day 2: Personal Pharoh
    Work. Thoughts of work often interfere with my time at home and with God. Prayer: Please deliver me from the fear and anxiety that I have about my work and my future. Help me to be the best nurse that I can be and to look forward to serving you in this way. Help me to trust in you to stand beside me as I care for my patients. Guide me in my career and pave the way for my future family.

    Day 3 Q 1:
    Yes, I try to learn more, read more, watch what others do to try and become more confident. In my mind I know that God is in control and that I need to lean on/trust in him but I continue to try to figure it out myself.

    Day 4 Q 1:
    I think that God has given me compassion and a tender heart for others. I can use this to glorify God in my everyday life by letting people see Him through me and the way that I treat them.

    Day 5:
    The verse that struck me was Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is there your heart will be also. I had been thinking about this for a few days when I heard this Steven Curtis Chapman song on the radio and thoughit was perfect:

    Lord, You know how much
    I want to know so much
    In the way of answers and explanations
    I have cried and prayed
    And still I seem to stay
    In the middle of life’s complications
    All this pursuing leaves me feeling
    like I’m chasing down the wind
    But now it’s brought me back to You
    And I can see again

    This is everything I want
    This is everything I need
    I want this to be my one consuming passion
    Everything my heart desires
    Lord, I want it all to be for You, Jesus
    Be my magnificent obsession

    So capture my heart again
    Take me to depths I’ve never been
    Into the riches of Your grace and Your mercy
    Return me to the cross
    And let me be completely lost
    In the wonder of the love
    That You’ve shown me
    Cut through these chains that tie
    me down to so many lesser things
    Let all my dreams fall to the ground
    Until this one remains

  3. DAY 1: 1. I was really struck by the definition and realized how much I had made some things, even people, idols in my life without realizing it. It made me think what motivates me and what do I really have my heart set on.
    2. I made my husband's love/affirmation an idol. I didn't realize how much so until now! I'm motivated to do things to get his appreciation and approval, then get aggravated if he doesn't say anything. I expect him to meet my needs instead of God (as Kelly says t the top of p. 14).
    3. I think it's very fitting that the FIRST commandment is to put Him FIRST. If He truly is first in our hearts, then everything else will fall in place and be rightly prioritized.
    DAY 2: As I said, Greg's affirmation/approval.
    Lord, I have realized I have unfairly put someone in the place of you by expecting them to meet all my needs. It is not right to You or him. Please forgive for me for doing this. Remind me daily (even hourly) to live only for your approval, to constantly ask myself "For am I now seeking the approval of men, or of God? Or am I striving to please men?" (Gal. 1:10).
    Day 3: Honestly yes, I constantly catch myself "trying harder" instead of relying on Christ. And like Kelly & Amber, I have prayed the same things over and over!
    Day 4: I feel like God led me to be in the in the field of speech pathology and gave me the heart for it from a very young age (I am a person who stutters and I was in speech therapy from age 3 to 21!). Eventhough I am not professionally working right now, I am using my education/expertise/skills to teach a special needs Sunday School class and to do speech therapy with my daughter, who also stutters.
    Day 5: Is. 44:9. Kelly's paraphrase--"If we treasure idols, what we treasure is worthless." I'm basing my worth on worthless things! And my Bible's version--"Your precious idols are of no profit, they are futile." I have a very short-sighted view of what/why I do what I do instead of having an eternal, heavenly perspective.

    This is a GREAT study! I am loving every day of it! Amber, "the Lord kicked my tail" several times last week too, but I sure did need it!

  4. Day 1: 1. I have been taught before that anything can be an idol. But it has not been front and center in my mind. This definition reminds me that anything can be an idol. Tv, people, food, exercise, or work. I realize I have idols that I do not consciously even know i have.

    2. This was a hard one. I had to think about this for a couple of days. It's hard to imagine that we can make something good an "idol". I think would my fiancé, family, controlling everything, and wanting time to just relax. I make excuses for not putting time with God first.

    3. Yes. To me it means it is one of the most important. He knows our life will be so much better if we keep Him first!

    Day 2: I struggle with pride. I tend ti think I am always right and my way is the best way. I also, unfortunately at times feel as though I am better than others. This has been a struggle in my life for a long time. So I think that pride would be my biggest Pharaoh.

    Day 3: I have not surrendered surrendered my "pharaoh" to God. This study actually made me realize I one. I have never self examined myself this much. It's so great to realize my short comings and struggles.

    Day 4: I love being there for my friends when they need someone to take to. I feel that I am a good listener and I try to be a good advice giver based on the knowledge I have of our heavenly Father. I also feel that I am a patient person. I think God gave me this gift because He knew I would be a pediatric nurse!

    Day 5: I actually have two verses. This just came to me as I was reading back over the lessen. Isaiah 44:9 "if we treasure idols, we treasure what is worthless." and 2 Kings 17:15 "We become like what we worship/treasure"
    If we worship what is worthless then we in turn become worthless. I have a friend who treasures money, looks, and attention more than anything. These are her treasures. It breaks my heart because she is currently worthless to God because these "treasures" are shutting Him out. It just makes me realize how important it truly is to fix our attention of things not of this world if we truly want to make a difference in this world.
