Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lacy and Joy

Week 1 is all Lacy and Joy!!! So ladies post your favorite parts of the week and any thing specific you want the rest of us to pray about! Lacy emailed me a wonderful post. It is titled "Read This." I encourage you all to read it and answer the last 2 questions.


  1. Ok girls, my post today will be a bit long winded. Without going into GREAT detail... this has been one of the hardest weeks of my life and wouldnt ya know that God chose ME this week to be prayed for and to blog!
    To sum up something that is a very long story, I have been hurt by someone I love very much and with whom I am very close with this week. It has been a long time coming but they opened up and admitted to lying, stealing and completely betraying me this week. We have started the healing process bc they have admitted the problem but we all know if you have ever been hurt deeply by someone... that this is a long road of recovery for a relationship. (and by the way this is not my husband who did this to me. :-)He is my ROCK! (Thank God)

    SO... with all that being said... I ask for you all to pray for me this week. I have ALOT of hurt and anger in my heart right now. I will forgive this person because God forgives me and thats what he expects of me but it is still hard to forget and trust again...
    Pray for strength for me, pray for patience, pray for God to take Worry out of my head.
    Pray for my grandmother who is dying of ALS that she is comfortable and doesn't suffer too much this week. Pray for a shield of protection over my children.

    PG. 27: If God is our treasure, our heart will be there.

    If we worship Him, we will become HIM. (this is my personal prayer for myself this week)

    Pg. 23: Whether you eat, or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. (this is huge! LOVE IT)

    Pg. 19: The unexamined life is NOT worth living.

    Personally, God has convicted me this week that I AM putting things before him and NOT letting HIM control my life...

    As I said in my post that Amber put up for me... I am open and I am ready to JUMP when he calls but I need to get the things in front of him OUT OF THE WAY!

    So I leave you with this last thought:

    Sometimes God calls us to remove ourselves from certain people, places and things that compromise our walk with HIM...
    If you feel free to elaborate then say what your People, place or thing would be.
    For me: certain TV shows I watch, certain people that I need not to be around as much...
    What's yours?

  2. I loved that about the unexamined life is not worth living. Sometimes I forget to look at what is standing between me and God. I need to move self out of the way (if that makes sense) I want to fix everything and make everything work the way I want it to. God wants me to trust in Him not in me.

  3. Lacey, you are pretty remarkable to open up about your hurt! So many times I have found myself bottling up my feelings and putting them on the shelf. You said you are in the healing process of must be true friends to heal and not just walk away. I admire you for taking time to forgive. I learned something today :)

    This week I have found that there are "idols" in my life I need to allow God to remove. Things and people that are good...but consume. The main thing is not trusting God 100%. I always feel He needs my help....but the only thing He needs from me is obedience.

    Thank you for sharing. I am ready and willing to allow God to remove anything and anyone that is keeping me from giving Him 100%.

  4. Don't give up on me! I've been at work about 30 out of the last 48 hours. Now to bed, more tomorrow...

  5. Lacy,

    I am so sorry that you are going through such a tough situation this week! But you are right, it's clear that God's hand is in the fact that we are praying for you especially this week! You have already started on the right road in making up your mind to forgive. I pray that you will have the strength to do just that, that he will give you peace and comfort, and that you can learn and grown from this betrayal instead of letting it affect you negatively. I found this verse about betrayal in Matthew 24:10 "And many will turn away from me and betray and hate each other 11 And many false prophets will appear and will lead many people astray 12 Sin wil be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold. 13 BUT THOSE WHO ENDURE TO THE END WILL BE SAVED." This person in your life may have forsaken you but He never will! I'm praying for your Grandma too, as well as comort for your family as you all have to watch her go through such a devastating disease. I pray that your children will be safe and healthy and that they will clearly see what a strong Mom they have!

    As for me, I would ask y'all to pray for me to be freed from the anxiety that I have not just about work but about so many things in my life. I spend so much time thinking and worrying about how things will work out and trying to make plans that will give me the best outcome. When I was younger my Dad drove me CRAZY with his worry and fears, I thought he was out of his mind. The older I get the more I realize that I'm becoming the same way and that is not the person I want to be. I'm tired of fearing the worst and then feeling relieved when I get through it. I want to trust God from the get go and eliminate those feelings. I also identified with something Amanda said about pride, I think a lot of what I worry about is whether I have done/will do or say something that is going to make someone think I'm not a good person, nurse, employee, friend etc. I play conversations and situations over in my head and regret the way they went even though I know that the other person may not have given it another thought. This is a prideful waste of time that I could be spending talking to God, studying my bible, or doing anything else to His glory. So please pray for me to be delivered from this cycle of fear/anxiety/worry that takes away from my walk with Him and even just the enjoyment of my life.

    My favorite parts of week one:

    I thought it was really eye opening to think about the expanded definition of an idol. I think before I thought of it as something you consciously put on a pedestal, but now I realize that it may be something that you are oblivious to. Something that you don't necessarily even like or realize that your doing. Like absent mindedly watching TV for hours.

    Like Lacy, 1 Cor. 10:31 jumped out at me too. There's a similar verse that has always encouraged me about my job (I had it posted on my locker at my old job) Colossions 3:23-24 "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving."

    Week 1 was a great start and I look forward to diving in deeper in the weeks to come! Thanks for reading! :)
