Monday, January 17, 2011

Today's the Day

I'm so excited!!!! Today is THE day we finally get to start our bible study!! HERE'S YOUR WARNING: THIS WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!!! I'm not sure how many of you have completed a bible study before but bible study is addicting.

I have actually already started the study and completed Week 1 because I am going to try to stay ahead of you. This way I can pray over you as you begin the week's study. Get ready for some convicting. This is powerful.

Today is really just an instruction/introduction day. I am amazed at how many of you are about to take the journey with me. God is good.

- "No Other Gods" is  an 8 week study. We will complete our study March 14th.
- Every week is actually FIVE DAYS and you will have seven days to complete the work, so that's nice.
- Because there are approximately 20 of us, I am going to pair you gals up. This way we will all have someone we are accountable too. I am going to just put names in and draw from a hat. (I'll post these once everyone logs in)
- Every Monday morning, I will post questions for each of us to answer and also "your favorite part" to post.  You will do this under the comment section of the post. This might take some time to read BUT trust will be worth the read. Each of us have walked down different paths and the wisdom you can gain from other women here will be amazing!
- There will be a "bible verse" that I pull from the study each week that I want you to post somewhere for you to see everyday. By the end of 8 weeks, you should have 8 new scriptures memorized. :)

I know some of you are still trying to get the workbook. Please let me know who you are, I am going to try to locate some and get them shipped, if possible.

This week's verse :
Psalm 119: 133 "Keep steady my steps according to your promise and let no inquity get dominion over me." ESV

"Anything He prompts us to release will only be restored to us in overflowing measures."

Love you ladies, I can't wait to see what He's going to do in all of us! Amber

1 comment:

  1. I think you've shipped my workbook. Can't wait to get it and start the study!
