Monday, January 17, 2011


Introduction: Short and sweet, please :) Little bio and what you want to learn or get out of thestudy.

Amber Foster. Married to Joshua. 2 wonderful but equally demanding children :) John Rhett (3) and Reese (1). Live in Georgia. Work as a nurse practitioner. I want this study to convict me and show me where God can be more in my life.


  1. My name is Joy Needham, I married my husband Sandy in October 2009 and live in Monroe, GA. I work as an RN in the ICU. Nancy Maddox is my sister and she is doing the study too! I hope to gain a greater understanding of God's word and the things that hinder me from growing closer to him-
    Looking forward to getting to know everyone!

  2. Lacy Isbell. Married almost 6 years to my high school sweet heart. Been together 11 yrs. 2 kids (who could be identical twins of they were not almost 4 years apart.) Gavin (4) and Chloe Lynn (1) Live in Birmingham, Al. Work FT as a Orthopedic Physician Extender/ATC.
    What I want to gain from this: Not just making daily room for God in my life more but to have him FIRST and to find out if anything is standing in HIS way of becoming that FIRST in my life!

  3. I'm Tracy Hlozek from Oxford, Ga. I've been married to Greg for 6 years. We have 2 children Mary (3) and Jesse (1). I am a speech pathologist taking a couple years off to stay home with my babies. I've recognized some "functional gods" in my life and want to learn how to make God my first true love.

  4. Jason and I live in Oxford, GA and have been married for 10 years. We have Ansley(5) & Hudson (1). I am really excited about this study, it's the 1st one I have ever done with my sister (Joy). I am believing that this study will help me re-prioritize my life and help me put every area of my life in God's order! I look forward to all He will reveal to me through each of you!!

  5. Hello Ladies! I'm Julie Tucker. I'm married to the one and only Dustin Tucker, and we live in Gadsden, AL! We are working on our first year of marriage and will be having our first baby this year too! William Michael Tucker is due on our one year anniversay, May 08, 2011 :) I'm a 10th grade and Pre AP high school English teacher. I'm looking so forward to this Bible study. I am open and ready to see anything and everything God is ready to reveal to me.

  6. Hey! I'm Jenn Liotta. I am a preschool teacher in Cincinnat, Ohio. I am not married nor do I have any kids of my own. I want to learn to keep God first and not get caught up in where I thought I would be at this point in life and just be happy where God has me now! Looking forward to doing this with all y'all!

  7. Hi! I am Andrea Cooper. I am in school for medical assistant. I have been married to Mark Cooper for 7 years. I have three daughters, 18, 12, and 5. I want to learn to trust God more and grow closer to Him.

  8. My name is Kelli Reeves. Born and raised in Gadsden Al. Been married over 6 years to a really cool, God loving man named Kyle. We have two babies. Bennett is almost 4 and Collins is almost 6 months. I'm looking forward to digging in God's word with some pretty amazing women! BTW, I can't get the book until wed or thurs so I will be behind, which is typical for me! We don't get anywhere on time!

  9. Oh, forgot to tell y'all what I do for fun! I'm a part time RN and full time mommy. I'm so thankful to be able to have the best of both worlds. I love my job and I always love not being away from my children too much.

  10. Amy Jackson. Married to Eric for 16 years. We are blessed with 4 children, Annabell (11), Brooks (8), Isabell (5), and Joshua (2) 2 boys and 2 girls! Live in Tennessee. I have been an ultrasonographer for 15 years, but since children say, “I’m a full-time mom, part-time sonographer! Love both jobs! I pray that thru this study my life will be more pleasing to God than ever before!

  11. Hi! My name is Amanda Gross. I live in Monroe, GA. I am engaged to my highschool sweet heart of 9 1/2 years. My wedding is in 102 days!! ( can you tell i am excited?) I do not have any " human babies" but I do have the cutest yorkie you have ever seen in your life! I am currently working in a Peds office (with Amber) as an RN. My sister Liz is also doing this study. I have wanted for many years to consistently set aside daily one on one time with God. And I'm sorry to say I have been failing for many years. I hope to gain from this study a passion and desire to have daily one on one time with the Creator of the universe who calls me His daughter!

  12. My name is Holly Wilson. I live in Chattanooga, TN. I am a wife to Bruce (for almost 9 years). I am a mother to 3 beautiful daughters - Bailey (5), Sarah Beth (3), and Aleah (2). I work full-time as a pharmaceutical sales rep. My sister Amy Jackson is also doing this Bible study too. I am looking forward to God speaking to me during this 8 week study and seeing what "gods" he is wanting me to clear from my life so I can continue to have a closer walk with Him...His love gets sweeter as the days go by!

  13. I am Claire Wood. (a friend of Holly's) and I also live in Chattanooga. My husband Ryan and I are about to celebrate 10 years of marriage. We have three awesome kids, Thomas (7), Mae (5), and Kate (3). For the past seven years, I have been an adjunct English instructor at my alma mater, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. Ryan is currently serving on staff at a church in Chattanooga, but in August we are relocating to Texas as we begin our journey in Army Chaplaincy. I look forward to the Bible study for the accountability, the insightful discussions, and most of all the personal reconnection to the Lord.

  14. My name is Heather Thurman. I am a single mother to my beautiful 3 year old daughter, Rori. We live in Wilson, North Carolina where I am a Literacy Specialist for Kindergarten and first grade. I am so excited about this Bible study and looking forward to breaking free from patterns and cycles in life that seem to bring us down. I have a feeling this Bible study may sting a little...but change is good! I love my God and can't wait to learn more about Him in the study! :)

  15. My name is Arlissa Jones from Covington, Ga. I am a stay at home mom and photographer. I have been married to Mike Jones for 6 years. I have two sweet children. Houston will be 3 in February and Isabella is 14 months. I hope this study allows me to get rid of anything that is standing in between me and God... and the relationship that I so deeply need to have with Him.
