Monday, February 14, 2011

Love Deeply

Week 4
Happy Valentine's Day!! The title of this week "Love Deeply" was underlined in my book last week before I even realized that the post would be on Valentine's Day!! I love God's sense of humor.

Day 1 pg. 83 Look again at the fill in the blank, just as a reminder!

Alduterous. Wow! Remember you're married to Christ. Even good things can become idols. I don't want to be double minded. That was my prayer on pg. 84

Day 2 pg. 86 Describe the last time you felt unloved by someone you wanted to love you.

This one I really didn't  have an answer to. I tend to put up walls and go into defense/offense mode (not sure which it really is), but I haven't had to do this in I couldn't tell you how long.

Day 3 pg.89 Describe a time when you finally got the very thing/person you had longed for and it didn't make you as happy as you thought it would.

A long time ago (prior to Josh) I had dated a guy for about 5 years (although we weren't dating when this happened), he proposed and I said no. It was awful! I thought that it was what I ultimately wanted but in that moment I realized that there was NO WAY I could marry him. Saying no honestly was hard because at that time I did love him and he was on one knee with a ring, but I'm so thankful that God's ways are better than ours!!!

She put on pg. 90 "I believe obedience is the precursor to experiencing God's satisfying presence and the richness of His blessings." I completely agree with this statement!!!!!

Day 4 pg. 93 Review with 3 questions regarding "Rachel's streak of panic."

I found this meaningful because I'm just as guilty as Rachel....Lord, give me such and such or I'll die! I type that laughing because in the end if I would have had the thing I thought I'd just die over I would've been in over my head. I learned this early in life but I try not to stress out,  I pray about it and know that God will do what He wants in the end and trust, knowing it will be for my good.

Day 5 pg. 95 After reading Colossians 3 times, What "strikes" you the most.

I have a parallel bible and the message is one of the translations. "Live seriously," " Pursue Christ life," "Look from His perspective."


  1. Day 1- I was struck by James 4 and how I ask with wrong motives. Often, when I pray to God regarding a struggle, I am asking Him to help me or fix it out of a desire to be happy or comfortable. So my prayer was James 4:7-11, to confess my wrong, submit to Him, ask for “clean hands” (the right actions) and a “purified heart” (the right attitude and motives).

    Day 2- It came in the form of rejection and it was very difficult and confusing.

    Day 3- When I got married. We all start thinking about marriage and “happily ever after” from the time we are little girls, right? As a middle school girl, I was overweight with crooked teeth, braces and glasses—not someone the boys wanted “to go out with” and wondered if I would ever be married someday. When I started dating Greg (my husband), I couldn’t believe I was with someone so handsome! Then he proposed in the sweetest and most romantic way and we had a beautiful wedding. (I also looked much cuter than I did in middle school and had the best career.) So with all my little girl dreams coming true, I should have been happy, but I wasn’t.
    I could completely relate to what Kelly said on p. 91: “Leah’s when I am miserable because I lack, and Rachel’s when I am miserable in my fullness.”

    Day 4- What jumped out to me was Jacob’s angry response to Rachel, “Am I in the place of God…?” To her and Leah, he was. No person should be in that position, but we do it to others all the time (or I do anyway).

    Day 5- I always read this passage as pertaining to “big, bad” sins and idols like sex or substance abuse, but interpreted it differently this time. The things that struck me were that if I have v. 8 going on, then that indicates the presence of an idol in my life. Whereas v. 12-13 are indicators that God is God of my life. So I need to watch my attitude & behaviors.

  2. DAY 1: I felt like the 2nd para. on pg 80 really sums it all up: "When our hearts are over-attached or dependent on lesser things, we crowd God out of our lives. It is impossible to serve our God and gods." Dear Lord, please help me get rid of anything in my life that is crowding you! I dont want anything in my life that makes it impossible for me to serve You! Thank you Heavenly Father for helping me to realize I need to do this "just because You said so!" In Jesus' name, AMEN!

    DAY 2: I experienced this from a couple old boyfriends. But, I can see looking back on the situations that God was protecting me...thank you Lord! I can not imagine what my life would be like now if I had gotten my wouldn't be good, that's for sure!!

    DAY 3: There was a time when I thought if I could just get our own home and a baby that ALL would be right in the baby girl did make me very happy, but there was still something missing. We were not plugged in a church. Ever since we got married,we would go every once in a while, but we were out of church a lot more than we were in church. Ansley was 2 before I finally got us going regularly to church again.(slow learner) And that filled that "something missing" feeling that couldn't be filled by someone or something. I am so grateful that when the house, hubby, and baby were not enough, I turned to the one and only God and not to gods like Rachel. Though, I definitly still have some of those I am working on getting rid of!!

    DAY 4: I like how Kelly refered to Rachel's idol as her "ultimate thing." That is what I am going to take from this day of our study. What is my ultimate thing? I think this will be a question I will try to ask myself on a regular basis...when my spiritual life gets off track and I loose my focus, and have a "streak of panic," I just need to ask myself, what is my ultimate thing? To ask this question will force me to admit to myself what has distracted me from what should be my ultimate thing: God!!

    DAY 5: I grew up being told to put on the armour of God to protect me from evil, and of course we all heard about striving to demonstrate the fruits of the spirit. But what really struck me from these verses were the ones about being CLOTHED with kindness, compassion, humility, gentleness, and patience. What better way to be the hands and feet of Christ, than to ask each morning for God to CLOTHE us in these things so that we can be a blessing to every person we come in contact with.

  3. Sorry I'm late!

    Day 1: Adulterers- I underlined down at the bottom of the page "it's as if we are breaking union with Christ, looking for our desires to be met elsewhere." This makes me think of having a union with Christ literally not just as a "church phrase" It make me think of the hurt, heartbreak and disaterous effects on our lives that being unfaithful to our earthly spouses would cause and multiply that infinitely when we "cheat on" God

    Day 2: An old boyfriend who was crazy and in turn made me CRAZY! :) He makes me thank God for my sweet husband everytime I think of him. Maybe I had to experience the misery of dating him to appreciate such a nice guy when I met my hubby!

    Day 3:
    Well, it's not so much that getting what I wanted didn't make me happy- but it seems there's always something else to long for. You want to get out of school, then you do and you want a career, you get that then you want to meet someone, you want to get married, then you do and you wish for a baby. I'm sure it goes on and on- I'm just getting to wanting a baby (some days :) I think the important thing is to not put all your hope in these things to make you happy in the world. It's ok and even good to want and to have these- but we still need to be pursuing God as our 1st priority and he will give us joy!

    Day 4:
    I can definitely identify with streaks of panic ;) This made me look back at Sarah in week 2 trying to force something to happen because she felt like she'd die without it and she created a mess. When I'm tempted to do this the phrase "I want God's best for me not my best" always seems to come to mind and I try to hold on to it.

    Day 5:
    It struck me that it says (in my translation) to put the evil things in your life TO DEATH, it doesn't say to cut back on them or get them under control, but to put them to death. Thats not wishy washy language there. Just below that it says that who you are in Christ is continually renewed as you learn more about him. I liked that, it was like a word of encouragement as you try to rid your life of the bad stuff and become more like Him.

  4. Day 2 pg. 86 Describe the last time you felt unloved by someone you wanted to love you.

    I think it is funny...that a woman finds her rejection mostly from a man. I agree with you girls....and unfortunately it is sad that we as women we feel much heartache from a man. It is natural...but my conviction comes from being guilty of this. God has told me sooo many times that if I would obey Him....and find my hiding place in HIm I would save myself from so much hurt. So glad that we learn from past mistakes :)

    Day 3 pg.89 Describe a time when you finally got the very thing/person you had longed for and it didn't make you as happy as you thought it would.

    OOOHHHH Amber can answer this one for me. This is part of my testimony. Unfortunately I am very stubborn and must always learn lessons teh hard way. Whether its a job I wanted...relationship...etc. Again...God gives me enough warning and notice...I just choose to learn the hardway. Thankful now to have listening ears...sometimes. lol

    Day 3 pg.89 Describe a time when you finally got the very thing/person you had longed for and it didn't make you as happy as you thought it would.

    I have never related false urgency and jealousy together...but bthey completely make sense! I learned how they go hand in hand. Just like I didn't realize until this study that false gods can be good things just abused.....that jealousy involves urgency. It is a quick fix. I am def going to be mindful of this!

    Day 5 pg. 95 After reading Colossians 3 times, What "strikes" you the most.

    Having peace means more than being calm. It is a way of thinking...a way of life. When we let the peace of God rule our hearts even our hope for the future has a vision. I have learned that I need goals...a vision to keep me going. The only thing that gives me peace when having dreams and goals is to stay in the word....and it is so easy to forget this and get busy. Which is another reason I am so thankful for this study!!!
